
Showing posts from May, 2017

Race Recap: 2017 Derby Marathon

Ten days before the Kentucky Derby Marathon, I decided I was going to accept a bib transfer and see what I could do. I've been running consistently since the ultra, putting in weekly long runs from a maintenance standpoint.It would be my 7th official marathon (6th on the road). My training plan called for a lighter 6-8 weeks between Land Between the Lakes and starting official training for the 50-miler in early May. In this time, I had added strength training twice a week and more focus on speedwork on the roads to solidify a stronger base as I head into the higher mileage weeks for 50-miler training. Most of my long runs had been on trails - mostly the challenging trails with lots of elevation change out at Jefferson Memorial Forest. I had no idea what I would be capable of on the road for 26.2 miles, and I was excited and worried to find out. I set a stretch goal of running a 4:30 marathon, but thought I was definitely capable of a 4:40, or at the very least a personal record...