Reflections While Training
I'm running a 50-miler on September 9th and I have been training pretty diligently this spring, after taking a short break because I was sick (bronchitis) after the Derby Marathon at the end of April. During this last portion of training, I've been thinking about my goals for the 50-miler. I think about my first ultra - Land Between the Lakes (LBL) in March 2017 - and I want this experience to be different. I want to be a better runner and I want to have more mental strength. I had trained on very hilly trails for LBL and found myself unprepared for all the plain old running! So I've been focusing on trails with less elevation change this time, and am trying to add in some runs with more intensity, like speedwork and hill work. I also did all of my long runs with friends, in preparation for LBL. Then I ran the race primarily alone, and when I was with friends, I couldn't find my voice to make conversation. Some of that was the shoulder pain consuming me and me not wan...