Preparing for Redbird Crest 100K
The big race is coming up this Saturday! I've started packing. I've bought nutrition. I've picked up some sour patch kids. I'm caught up on laundry. I've planned the childcare and kid activities for the weekend. I've made my spreadsheet to predict when I'll arrive at each aid station. I've studied the maps and the elevation change. I’ve prepared my husband to crew me (first time!). I’ve arranged for my friend Amy to pace me for the last 20 miles. I've packed my hydration pack and included all of the mandatory gear in it too. Pulling things together for the big day, and reviewing things from my 50-miler too. The course is hilly and has some very steep climbs, including a monster climb starting at around 11 miles. There are some other substantial climbs too. Overall, this will be similar to Siltstone and Superior. I train on Siltstone. I’ll stick with my proven strategy for nutrition. One piece of nutrition (100 calories) ever...